
Slough Town
Slough took a team of walking wounded to Leatherhead on Tuesday evening for their Rothman's Isthmian League game.
The casualties at Wycombe the previous night were heavy, and team manager Joe Arpino had to turn out to make the number up.
Considering the scratch nature of the side it was a splendid rearguard action which the Rebels fought to hold so talented a side as Leatherhead to a draw.
Brown, Turl and Beyer, were the three regulars who for one reason or the other could not play and most of the remainder were suffering from minor injuries. Arpino, last played serious football for Arsenal Reserves in Wally Barnes days so his debut for Slough must have been that of the oldest player on record.
Leatherhead, were on the attack from the start but the Slough defence put up a superb show and the front runners at intervals broke clear and Swannell had some awkward moments following two well place corners.
In the second half Leatherhead doubled their efforts to score and did get the ball into the net once but the point was disallowed for an infringement.
Apart from Hill and Lee who lurked up front to try and snatch a breakaway all the Slough players concentrated on defence and a fine job they made of it.
The casualties at Wycombe the previous night were heavy, and team manager Joe Arpino had to turn out to make the number up.
Considering the scratch nature of the side it was a splendid rearguard action which the Rebels fought to hold so talented a side as Leatherhead to a draw.
Brown, Turl and Beyer, were the three regulars who for one reason or the other could not play and most of the remainder were suffering from minor injuries. Arpino, last played serious football for Arsenal Reserves in Wally Barnes days so his debut for Slough must have been that of the oldest player on record.
Leatherhead, were on the attack from the start but the Slough defence put up a superb show and the front runners at intervals broke clear and Swannell had some awkward moments following two well place corners.
In the second half Leatherhead doubled their efforts to score and did get the ball into the net once but the point was disallowed for an infringement.
Apart from Hill and Lee who lurked up front to try and snatch a breakaway all the Slough players concentrated on defence and a fine job they made of it.
Slough Town Lineup
- 1 Paul Barron
- 2 Tim Smith
- 3 Keith Underwood
- 4 Bob Horastead
- 5 Dennis Malley
- 6 Steve Hill
- 7 Gordon Bartlett
- 8 Alan Gane
- 9 Roy Davies
- 10 Joe Arpino
- 11 Paul Lee
- 12 Paul Smith